Maintenance Reporting

The following guideline is an escalation of steps for completing and or resolving maintenance issues for tenants residence or their building.

SIREG Maintenance Request Form

Vital Services:  "vital service" means electricity, gas, hot water, water and heat!  
If you lack any of these; call your:
1) Property Management Office - 226 688-7104, 519 850-8503 
2) Resident Manager- 226 688-7104, 519 850-8503
3) Regional Administrator- Ashley Clare 226 377-7670 Email:Ashley Clare
4) After Hours Emergency 1-855-377-4734

Maintenance Request Procedure:  (In writing preferred)

1. Complete the online form here: Mantenance Request Form or 
call SIREG Management at 1-855-377-4734.  Email: Maintenance Request

For building or property maintenance issues, call the Property Managers Office at 654 Kipps Lane 519-850-8503.

2. If you do not receive a response or visit from your building staff within 48 hours please contact:
    Resident Manager- 226 688-7104, 519 850-8503
    Regional Administrator- Ashley Clare 226 377-7670 Email: Ashley Clare
3.  No resolution after two weeks (maintenance request in writing) then contact City of London Municipal Law Enforcement at:
Phone: 519-661-4660
Fax: 519-963-5080

4.  If you're still not satisfied with the results after a reasonable amount of time, follow the Landlord and Tenant Board (Maintenance and Repairs) Brochure that protects the tenant.  It provides you the ability to submit a claim against the Landlord as an individual or group using this T6 Form.

*Remember that this new association is not staffed on a full time basis, and requires your involvement and support in order to be effective.  Good luck on your maintenance request and please provide feedback on your contacts and results on our Facebook page!