Quick Reference of Important Contacts and their Use
Regional Manager - Dipyendu Chaudhuri - 519-451-3339 ext1
Email: dchaudhuri@northviewreit.com
Northview Property Management Office - 654 Kipps Lane 519 850-8503
- all matters of concern
- urgent or critical building maintenance concerns
- lack of Vital Services such as heat, hot water or electricity
Building Manager's - Buzz 1000 in Lobby or Phone Number posted on Lobby Board
- urgent or critical building maintenance concerns
- submitting maintenance request form
- reporting building maintenance concerns such as cleanliness, doors & locks, lack of heat or hot water
- health and safety concerns
City of London By-Law Enforcement - 519 661-4660 Fax: 519 963-5080 Email:enforcement@london.ca
- reporting overdue maintenance requests generally after 2 weeks with no resolution
- reporting lack of Vital Services (heat, hot water, electricity, elevator etc.)
- reporting a variety of Property Standards, Noise, Municipal and other By-law complaints
- excessive barking dog or contact Animal Services
Landlord and Tenant Board - 1-888-332-3234 read the Frequently Asked Questions before calling
- provides a guide to the Residential Tenancies Act
- provides protection and assistance to Tenants and Tenant Association members
- provides applications and formal hearings process for a variety of tenant concerns