Friday, April 15, 2022

Underground Garage Ramp - Urgent Replacement Required

 Underground Garage Ramp in Hazardous Condition


Mr. Paul Lusted

River Park Towers Tenant Association

London, Ontario  N5Y 4Y1


April 14, 2022


SIREG Management Inc.

7275 Rapistan Court

Mississauga, ON  L5N 5Z4



Reference:  Underground Garage Ramp – Urgent Repairs Needed


To All Concerned,


This letter is to inform you of the rapidly deteriorating and hazardous condition of our underground 

garage ramp.


As you can see from the included photos of the ramp, the expanding size and depth of the potholes are a hazard to our vehicles and staff who use it daily.  It has deteriorated beyond any temporary patching fixes as in the past.  Staff must stop filling the holes with the broken concrete as vehicle tires cause them to flip and can damage our car body when driving over them.  A permanent and long term solution is needed by replacing the heated elements for winter safety on the steep slope and then pouring of concrete for the entire ramp.  I would also suggest including door sensors exterior to the garage to eliminate people driving into a closing door scenario requiring numerous repairs and inconvenience to all.


These repairs were promised to us several years ago by the previous owner/management team.  A permanent long term solution is required urgently to avoid future damage claims from tenants and possible injuries to staff as well.  I would appreciate an acknowledgement of these concerns to avoid unnecessary future escalation.




Paul Lusted

River Park Towers Tenant Association

Repair & Damage Claims


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Elevator Safety Concerns

Is your Elevator Malfunctioning or Out of Service?

What can I do?  To ensure all of our elevator's continue to operate safely:

  • make a note of any malfunctioning or irregular operation regardless of seriousness
  • record the "Installation Number" of the elevator at top corner of doorway (see below)


(London By-Law Enforcement assistance requires that your report to the property management be in writing (ie. email or web maintenance form) in order to start the two week waiting period!)

Report in "writing" to: 

1)    SIREG (Regional) Property Manager - Ashley Clare 
        then call her at  226 377-7670 
2)    Complete SIREG Maintenance Request Form 
3)    In case of serious injury or death as well as reporting elevator concerns; complete the
       Technical Standards and Safety Authority - Voluntary Incident Report Form
       This is helpful to flag a problematic elevator for future T.S.S.A. Inspections.

Important:  If the malfunction has not been repaired, or elevator returned to service 
after "2 weeks" then report this to the City of London By-Law Enforcement
Register a Complaint
Phone: 519-661-4660
Fax: 519-963-5080

Helpful Elevator Act, Standards & Regulatory Links:

Technical Standards and Safety Authority
Ontario Regulation 209/01 - Elevating Devices
Ontario Elevating Devices Act
Residential Tenancies Act - Maintenance Standards