Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fire Safety & False Alarms

On Saturday, Feb.18 at aprx. 2 a.m. in building 758 we were all awoken by our fire alarm bells located in each hallway.  It had a very distinctive three ring sequence that alerted most, if not all tenants in the building.  The London city fire department was alerted via the monitoring company and arrived shortly thereafter to assess the situation.  There are some disturbing facts and information we should all be aware of to be safe and help prevent further false alarms!

(Now for the rest of the story)

This alarm was totally unnecessary and the result of an illegal activation of the "pull station" located on the seventh floor.  At least three people (aged, late teens-20"s) after pulling the alarm escaped via the east parking lot stairwell making a lot of noise heard by many while running down seven flights of stairs. They continued to the wood lot path just north east of the building and were witnessed and heard talking about the "super" and "should we wait for the fire trucks"?  There were two males and one female that were observed.  One male appeared to wear a "white coloured coat" while heading east along the pathway.

Why should I care?

  1. Who likes being awoken at 2 a.m. by inconsiderate tenants or their guests engaging or encouraging illegal activities.
  2. Many tenants are elderly, have disabilities, have young children or may panic causing or aggravating a medical condition.
  3. Evacuating or escaping a potential fire from a eleven story building is dangerous and sometimes impossible for many.  Standing in the cold to locate family members is no fun either waiting for the fire fighters to complete their inspection.
  4. Guess who will have to pay for the fees charged for these false alarms?  Eventually these costs will be absorbed into rent increases.  London Fire Department Fees
False alarm of fire (criminal code)

 Every one who wilfully, without reasonable cause, by outcry, ringing bells, using a fire alarm, telephone or telegraph, or in any other manner, makes or circulates or causes to be made or circulated an alarm of fire is guilty of

  • (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
  • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
  • R.S., c. C-34, s. 393;
  • 1972, c. 13, s. 31.
If there are tenants who have any knowledge of any activity that could be helpful in these matters it should be shared so that it can be forwarded to police.  It may result in prosecuting those responsible and avoid further activity.  Every bit of information may be useful to connect the dots as to the unit or people involved.  Just the fact that we care enough to take action, may prevent this and other future illegal activity that affects us all.

You may contact:
  • London City Police - 519 661-5670  London City Police Contacts
  • Crime Stoppers - 519 661-8477
  • Intelligarde - 1-800-387-0000
  • River Park Towers Tenant Association - 519 204-6780
          e-mail us:  riverparktowerstenantassociation@rogers.com

Fire Safety Information:

Smoke Alarm Regulation
Tenants Fire Safety Tips
Home Escape Plan
High Rise Safety Tips
Ontario Fire Marshal - FAQ's